Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Few Things . . .

1. She's cute (and she knows that).

2. She loves Jessie (from Toy Story) the "Cowboy-Girl" - her words.

3. She likes to wear her pink boots from her Grandma & Grandpa and pretend that she is Jessie - she tries to convince her brother that he's Woody or Buzz Lightyear.

4. She talks nonstop - and she makes sense.

5. She would sit and color or draw all day long.

6. She loves broccoli and green beans and cucumbers.

7. She doesn't really like bread - not even donuts (she eats a few bites, and then she's done) or sweet breads.

8. She loves animals - particularly kittens and puppies.

9. She likes to dance. We will turn on music, and she'll yell "Dance Time!" and run to the front room to dance.

10. She's getting better at going on the potty ( I can't even begin to imagine a life without diapers).

11. She wakes up happy, and usually entertains herself to sleep at night.

12. She ALMOST has enough hair for a ponytail - ALMOST!


13. I love her - more than I ever imagined I would, and I'm just so grateful to have been blessed with this little lady.

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