Monday, October 19, 2009

Swimming, Anyone???

Raise your hand if you're already ready for summer again?

OK, well, then just put these goggles on and pretend like we are going to the pool.


These are a recent find - my old swim goggles pushed WAY into the back of a drawer that my little girl can't seem to stop digging in. Needless to say, the kids are loving them. I really might have to get them kiddie sized swim goggles for the summer!


Unknown said...

Haha, I want summer too.. funny pictures, and I think they would love their own goggles

Jessica said...

SO CUTE! They are adorable. I just bought J some turtle goggles and they are goofy but he really loves them :)

Taffy said...

That look on Harper's face is great! Hows the job? If you work out south sometime I would love to go to lunch....